Editorial illustrations for Kinopoisk 2022-2024
 Kinopoisk is the largest service about movies. On it you can watch movies and TV series, buy movie tickets, find out ratings of popular videos and interesting facts, rate movies, write reviews and full movie descriptions

Link to article - Cargo 200

Link to article - How do you read Pelevin?

Link to article - Star Wars  

Link to article - Fallout

Link to article - True Detective

Link to article - Films by Eldar Ryazanov

Link to article - DC 

Link to article - Saw

Link to article - Transformers 

Link to article - Doom Patrol

Link to article - House of the Dragon


Link to article - Marvel

sketches for the column of journalist Yuri Saprykin


Kinopoisk is the largest service about movies. On it you can watch movies and TV series, buy movie tickets, find out ratings of popular videos and interesting facts, rate movies, write reviews and full movie descriptions.

 art direction → evgeny nikolaev
 illustrations → asya sokolova

get rational on telegram  •  get emotional on instagram  •  share a shot on dribbble
mail: anastasiconostas.job@gmail.com

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