She is an award-winning artist and illustrator with experience in editorial, advertising and corporate projects. 
Her main strength as an illustrator is her ability to reveal stories through powerful visual solutions, a sense of rhythm and colour, and a fundamental knowledge of world art and film history.
Selected Clients:
А24 ▪ Esquire  ▪ BBC ▪ Stephen KING'S FUN-CLUB ▪ Kinopoisk ▪ The Blueprint ▪ Yandex  Music ▪ Kaspersky Lab ▪  Sberbank ▪ Alfabank ▪ Men's Health Magazine ▪ ORNAMENT Magazine ▪ Gogol School ▪ OZON ▪ TJournal ▪ ▪ ▪ KION ▪ ▪ Burning hut ▪ Labirint Publishing House ▪ The Village ▪ Sakharov Center ▪ SNOB Magazine ▪ PSB ▪ Bookmate ▪ A-One ▪ Afisha Daily ▪ Exponenta Film 
Let's  talk:
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